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Showing posts from February, 2020

Project Time Tracking Software in USA at Minimum Price

Livetecs LLC knows that it requires dedication, good time management skills and laser sharp focus to overcome these shiny obstacles. If you find yourself chasing those shiny things instead of being productive, put yourself on project time tracking . Set a specific number of hours that you will work every day. Without time constraints, you are giving yourself permission to take all the time you need to accomplish your tasks. Set a timer for each task and focus on nothing but that task until your time is up, then move on to the next one. When you time is up, your time is up. You will see how focused this will force you to become. Limit how often you check your email. Email is both a blessing and a curse. It's like chasing rabbits. Email will lead you down many rabbit trails before you know what hit you. You soon find yourself in a forest of shiny objects once again. By only looking at your email in the morning and again before you quit for the day, you will be shocked at how much